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​     Welcome to the website for the town of Benton, New Hampshire. We are located in the "North Country" in the White Mountains about 60 miles south of Canada.
     Benton is a small rural village  which is bisected by the White Mountain National Forest. We have  myriads of hiking trails and ponds as well as some of the most beautiful fall foliage in the state.​  Benton’s Select Board meets at Town Hall, 221 Coventry Rd (Rte. 116), Benton, NH at 6:30 PM on the following schedule for the next few months:             January 20th, February 3rd & 17th, March 3rd & 17th, 2025.

Town Hall, 221 Coventry Rd, Benton, NH

Select Board Meeting:

January 20, 2025  6:30 PM

Supervisor of the Checklist:

JANUARY 21, 2025 – 7:00 – 7:30 PM

The Supervisors of the Checklist will be holding a session for any corrections and new registrations. Change in Party registration may be made at this time.

New NH registrars need to provide proof of citizenship. Birth Certificate or US passport or passport card, naturalization documents.

New town registrars need to provide proof of residency, age.

Proof of domicile

Valid Photo ID

Trustee of the Trust: Zoom Meeting

January 22, 2025  5:00 PM

For access please contact Laura Richardson at:  Laura Lives Off Grid @

Benton School Budget Public Hearing:

January 29, 2025  6:00 PM


Benton Town Budget Public Hearing:

January 29, 2025  6:15 PM





      Nestled between the river towns of Woodsville and North Haverhill and the mountain towns of Easton, Landaff, Woodstock and Warren, our residents exemplify the Live Free or Die spirit, strong and fiercely independent but bound with a commitment to the community. Blustery winters, wet spring (we call it mud season here), pleasant summers and breathtakingly colorful autumn make Benton a quiet and special place.

      Most of our residents live here year-round but there are also many seasonal residents who love the serenity and beauty of the White Mountains. If you plan to make a trip to the area in the Fall make sure to include Benton while enjoying the foliage. Don't be upset if someone calls you a leaf-peeper. We look forward to seeing you,

Your Benton Select Board.

     If you are interested in being a member of the Hazard Mitigation Plan/Community Wildlife Protection Plan Update Team or if you have comments or suggestions contact:

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NH Old Graveyard Association

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